We suggest you refresh your memory on basic coding skills before taking any coding assessment on CodeSignal. This article address how you can prepare for an assessment on CodeSignal.
- What counts as a search for "syntax reference only"? Can you provide some examples of what is and isn't permitted in web searches?
- Can I practice on CodeSignal for my assessment?
What counts as a search for "syntax reference only"? Can you provide some examples of what is and isn't permitted in web searches?
During the General Coding Assessment (GCA), you are permitted to search for syntax-related questions online. However, the tasks might go more smoothly if you to have these answers fresh in your mind already (you may choose which coding language you would prefer to use).
Our intent behind only allowing syntax searches is to allow test-takers to access basic information about syntax (rather than expecting test-takers to have it memorized), while still ensuring that test-takers are not receiving outside assistance for the logic behind a solution.
Here are examples of what is and is not allowed in web searches:
- Allowed: Searching for "How to get a substring in Python" or "How to get the object keys in JavaScript" is acceptable during the GCA. We generally permit test-takers to search for any kind of documentation as long as they do not explicitly try to search for an answer or plagiarize code.
- Allowed: If you forget how to insert elements into a C++ queue, then it is permissible to access https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/queue/queue/ to see what methods are available.
- Not allowed: If the question is around how to implement a Double Ended Queue, then accessing a page like the following should be prohibited because the resource provides you assistance about how to implement the solution: https://iq.opengenus.org/double-ended-queue-deque/
Rules vary for each of our certified coding assessments, so please read the rules for your assessment carefully before you begin!
Can I practice on CodeSignal for my assessment?
Yes! We provide a space for you to practice various question types on CodeSignal so you can familiarize yourself with the CodeSignal IDE and how tasks are structured before the official assessment begins.
For instructions on accessing our Assessment Practice from your CodeSignal account, see the following support article: