After logging into your CodeSignal Developer account, click on the Assessments tab to practice for your assessment. Navigate to to the direct link below:
Once you navigate to the practice, you will see a menu of different practice questions and can choose to practice any of them. This is a great opportunity for you to fully, in a simulated fashion, practice any of the question types offered within CodeSignal assessments.
If you choose a filesystem frontend question, you will see a set of illustrative slides that are unique to this type of question.
Note: Companies will not see your activity or performance in this practice session.
If you would like to navigate to a different question, simply click on the Question Type Summary button at the top right of the IDE. From the menu, you can then choose a different question.
When you begin a practice question, you will have one hour. After that hour, a modal will appear, asking if you want to leave or continue working. If you click Continue, your time limit will reset to one hour.
Note: Your code will be reset every 2 weeks and every 2 weeks you will have a blank slate for each question you've worked on.
For any question, that you have already visited, you will see this green Viewed button.
If you have a pending invitation you will see "Get familiar with the platform" underneath your request.
Once you click on the Practice button, you will be shown the exact question types that you will be presented with during your assessment(s). For example, if you are invited to complete a General Coding Framework, you will see a single function question.
DISCLAIMER: Currently, our practice platform contains only one question for each question type, so clicking on ‘Submit’ will not trigger any further actions.