In this article we will show you how to:
First, make sure you have the following permissions:
Your organization must have the APIs & Webhooks enabled on CodeSignal
You must have the admin role in CodeSignal
Create an API key to provide to RippleMatch.
- From your CodeSignal client dashboard, navigate to the API Keys page (Integrations > API Keys) and lick the ADD A KEY button.
- In the Key Description field type “Ripplematch integration” and click the arrow.
- In the pop-up modal, make sure All the permissions are selected and click SAVE.
- Copy the API key from CodeSignal by clicking on the key (in blue text) to share with PSM.
Create a Webhook to use RippleMatch end point (which allows RippleMatch to get information from CodeSignal)
- Select Webhooks and click “ADD A WEBHOOK”.
- Add this endpoint: and select the following Event Types:
certification ResultRejected. - Then click + ADD A HEADER. In the first box type User-Agent and in the second box type Codesignal-<company_name>.
- As a final step, click on the Test button. If the webhook is successful then you can enable on specific roles!
Enable on Specific Role
- Please send the public ID/Name of the role you would like to enable this feature on to your RippleMatch contact.
- The public ID can be found in the browser URL when viewing role (see in grey below).
Next steps to test and finalize the integration:
- You provide API key + webhooks;
- RippleMatch sets up test role with API key + webhooks + modified intro email;
- RippleMatch puts test candidate with email the company can access in Live for test role;
- You advances test candidate;
- RippleMatch receives an email from CodeSignal and completes CodeSignal Assessment;
- CodeSignal approves assessment;
- You view the test candidate in RippleMatch with a score;
- RippleMatch integrates additional live roles + integration is live.