When sending an assessment to your test-takers, you are able to customize the email invitation and assessment instructions that they receive. Log into CodeSignal and follow the steps below in order to configure your assessment instructions and invitation email to specify. Each of these steps is optional.
- Customizing instructions and messaging
- Configure default assessment sender, assessment expiration & time zone
- Assign descriptive labels, team ownership & score range labels
- Retaking the assessment & hiding score from test-takers
- Default & custom email reminders
Customizing instructions and messaging
1. Select the assessment for which you wish to customize instructions and email invitations. Click the vertical "..." icon, then click the pencil icon to "Edit."
2. Navigate to the DESIGN tab.
In the first field, you are able to customize an assessment title for your company to reference.
In the second field, you can customize the Duration of the assessment. This is the amount of time that the test-taker will have to work on the assessment once they have begun.
In the third field, you can specify an assessment title that will be visible to test-takers. This is helpful for cases in which you'd like the assessment to have a different title than how it is referred to internally at your organization.
In the fourth field, you are able to customize the instructions test-takers see before they start the assessment.
In the fifth field, you can customize the message test-takers see after completing the assessment. This is a good place to add the next steps regarding the interview process.
3. Navigate to the SETTINGS tab.
[Optional] The first field is "Describe your assessment." This section is not visible to test-takers. Use the description to share the assessment’s purpose with colleagues in CodeSignal.
Default assessment sender, assessment expiration & time zone
[Optional] The second field is "Default assessment sender."
If you plan to send assessments from your ATS, specify one individual to list as the default sender so that recipients know who the assessment is from.
For public assessments sent to test-takers via a Shareable Link, this field will help your team identify who sent the assessment to test-takers. When reviewing test-taker assessment results, the individual specified here will be listed in the report along with the test-taker's score, time taken, etc.
[Optional] The third is "How long should invitations to this assessment last before expiring?" Options range from one day to six months and specify how long the assessment invitation will be valid and accessible by test-takers.
NOTE: Please note that because the expiration time is specified in a number of days from the time that the invitation was sent, each of your test-takers' expiration dates and times will vary.
[Optional] The eighth field is "What is the time zone associated with the assessment?" Select your time zone from the list of options.
Descriptive labels, team ownership & score range labels
The fourth field is "Add descriptive labels to this assessment".
If your team is using labels to tag/filter assessments, you are able to add labels to the assessment at this time.
The sixth field is “Score Range Labels”. Here, you can set a score range and add a custom label for it. If the test-taker scores within a given range, the label will be assigned automatically.
Select the checkbox to preserve historical labels. If selected, labels will only be applied to new assessment results - not existing results.
To add a Score Range Labels:
1. Click on +Add a range
2. Set a score range and add the corresponding label
If you want to delete your score range labels, click the trash icon.
The seventh field is "Team Ownership", where you can assign the assessment to a single team.
Retaking the assessment & hiding score from test-takers
The fifth field is "Hide scores from test-taker".
If you do not want your test-takers to see the score in the IDE and active assessment page toggle on "Hide scores from test-taker."
The last ninth field is "Public link cooldown".
If you are using public links for this assessment, here you can configure the public link cooldown. It allows you to set the time when the link can be used again to complete the assessment.
Default & custom email reminders
Click the EMAIL tab
The first field is "Email Reminders". You can send emails to remind test-takers to complete an assessment.
1. Click on +Add Reminders and choose the Email reminder
2. Set the time when you want this reminder to be sent.
The second field is "Email Invite and Reminder Templates" where you can edit the copy that appears in the assessment invitation and reminder emails themselves. As well you can create new email reminders. We will add a link to the assessment below your message and include information about assessment link expiration, if applicable.
To edit the copy that appears in the assessment invitation email itself click on Email Invite. We will add a link to the assessment below your message and include information about assessment link expiration, if applicable.
Need Personalization in the email invitation? Click the drop down on "Insert variable" to see a full list of parameters you can work with.
In summary, you have access to the following variables to configure the email:
- {{company}} - The name of your company.
- {{sender}} - The name of the sender. If the email is sent from an ATS, this will be the Default Assessment Sender configured above or the name of the assessment's author.
- {{test-taker}} - The full name of the test-taker (first and last names).
- {{test-takerFirstName}} - The first name of the test-taker.
- {{test-takerLastName}} - The last name of the test-taker.
You already have a default email reminder. To create a new one click on +EMAIL REMINDER.
To delete an Email Reminder, click the three dots icon.
After you create a new email reminder, you can add a second email reminder or change the default reminder from days to hours.
Also, you can customize the expiration email that test-takers receive once their invitation expires. To edit this copy click on Expiration Email.
Once you are happy with the customization edits, click UPDATE in the top right corner of the window to save your changes.
You're ready to send!