When you are finished with your interivew, click on the Finish Interview button.
Then click Finish in the pop-up window.
If you forget to finish the interview, you will see an "active interview" button with a green pulsing dot next to the Interview tab in your CodeSignal dashboard. Click the arrow to open the dashboard with all your active interviews. Then click the FINISH button to end your interview.
Click Finish in the pop-up window.
Once the interview is over, the candidate will not be able to return to the IDE or modify their submissions. To review the interview data and recording, choose the Finished status from the Interview page.
Note: CodeSignal interview sessions expire after 24 hours. This 24 hour period begins when an interviewer and candidate are both in the interview together. However, you can easily extend the time for your interview clicking on the timer countdown in the top right corner of the IDE.