This article describes how to evaluate the performance of an assessment across all test-takers who have taken your assessment.
1. From the Assessments tab on your CodeSignal dashboard, navigate to the Assessments tab (to the right of RESULTS).
2. Then, using the search bar, label filter, or Starred assessment toggle, navigate to the assessment you'd like to evaluate and click the assessment name.
3. In this window you'll see five tabs that provide more information about your assessment's performance: RESULTS, PENDING, EXPIRED, FEEDBACK, and TASKS.
- RESULTS: Contains each individual test-taker’s results for the assessment—including the test-taker’s status, score on the overall assessment, and the percent probability that their solutions were plagiarized.
- PENDING: Contains a list of test-takers who have been invited to take the assessment and have not yet taken it (or are currently taking the assessment).
- EXPIRED: Contains a list of test-takers who were invited to take the assessment, but did not complete it before the invitation expired.
- FEEDBACK: Each test-taker is given the chance to provide feedback on the assessment after they submit it. These responses are recorded here.
- TASKS: From this tab you can see an overview of how well all your test-taker did on the tasks in this assessment, including their average score and the percent who successfully completed each one.