You can create many question types through the CodeSignal UI. If you'd like to create a different type of question that you don't see here (e.g. user interface, DevOps, mobile, etc.), contact your Customer Success Manager with your idea and our team will assess feasibility.
Jump to a question type:
- Single-Function Algorithmic Question
- Quiz Question
- Free-Coding Question
- Free-Text Question
- Frontend Question
- Filesystem Question
- SQL/Database Question
- Mobile Question
- Question Notes
Question creation video walk-through
Question creation steps
1. From your CodeSignal account click on the Question Library icon on the upper right side of the screen and you will be taken to your question library.
2. Click + Create Question.
3. You will be taken to a page where you can choose the type of question you want to create. Select a question type and click CREATE or NEXT (will vary depending on question type).
I. Create a Single-Function Algorithmic Question
1. In the SETTINGS tab, add a title, description, and a label if needed for your question.
2. Go to TIMEOUT tab and edit the execution time limit for all languages as needed.
3. Click on Input/Output to add descriptions of what the input(s) will be and what the output should be as well as set the input parameters for randomly generating.
4. Choose how many tests to make visible. Here you have 2 options:
- Show the first half of your test, or
- Manually set the amount of the first visible tests
5. On the lower right side of the screen, under Tests, click on ADD TEST to add at least one test case with which to evaluate the submitted code.
6. Add the Author solution and run it to make sure all tests are passing.
7. Click on RANDOM TEST to automatically generate test cases.
8. On the upper right side of the screen, under Code, the system generates a starter code snippet that contains the desired function name and the name of the input(s).
9. Once you’re done creating the question, you can click PREVIEW to view your question in advance of public presentation. Then click Save. Your question will now be available to use.
II. Create a Quiz Question
1. Enter a question name, description, label (optional), and a number of answer choices for test-takers/candidates to select from.
2. Write an answer description for each answer choice and toggle "Correct answer" on for the answer that is correct.
3. Click the "Multiple Select" text box if you would like to allow more than one correct answer choice.
4. Click the “Don’t shuffle answers” text box if you don't want the answers to be randomly shuffled.
5. Once you’re done creating the question, you can click PREVIEW to view your question in advance of public presentation. Then, click Save. Your question will now be available to use.
III. Create a Free-Coding Question
1. In the SETTINGS tab, enter a question title, description, label(s) if needed, and starter code.
2. Go to TIMEOUT tab and edit the execution time limit for all languages as needed.
3. Click on the LANGUAGES & CODE tab to configure languages for this question.
If you want to limit languages for this question just toggle on the Limit the languages available button. Then select the language and click on the arrow pointing right to exclude it from your list of available languages.
4. Once you’re done creating the question, click SAVE. Your question will now be available to use.
IV. Create a Free-Text Question
Free-text questions do not include an IDE. They enable test-takers/candidates to answer questions using text and upload files.
1. Enter a question title, description, and label(s) if needed.
2. Once you’re done creating the question, you can click PREVIEW to view your question in advance of public presentation. Then click Save. Your question will now be available to use.
V. Create a Frontend Question
Please see our article on setting up and configuring frontend questions:
VI. Create a Filesystem Question
Please see our article on setting up and configuring filesystem questions:
VII. Create a SQL Question
Please see our article on setting up and configuring SQL/database questions:
VIII. Create a Mobile Question
Mobile question support is limited at the moment. Please reach out to your CSM if you would like to discuss a custom Mobile question. We have some Mobile questions available for demo and experimental purposes. Please note that you will not be able to fork/edit these solutions from the UI.
IX. Creating Question Notes
Note: To create or edit a question note, you must have an admin or manager role or a custom role with this permission.
1. Once you create your question, click on the three lines icon on the left side of the IDE to edit the question notes.
2. Click SAVE button to save your question notes.