This article describes how proctoring works within CodeSignal assessments. Skip to a section:
- Why are assessments proctored?
- How does proctoring work?
- What are the rules for proctored assessments?
How is my identification and proctoring data used, and how long is it stored?
- What is CodeSignal's privacy policy?
- Can I opt in to proctoring if it is not required?
Why are assessments proctored?
Some CodeSignal assessments include remote proctoring and an identity verification step in order to ensure the validity of your results. You will see whether or not proctoring is required in your Assessments section before you take the assessment.
How does proctoring work?
Prior to the assessment, you will be prompted to share your camera, microphone, and screen for the duration of the assessment. You will also be prompted to show your government-issued photo ID to validate your identity. This data will be recorded and following the completion of your evaluation, it will be reviewed by the CodeSignal proctoring verification team. The CodeSignal proctoring verification team will verify that:
- Your camera, microphone and screenshare were shared for the duration of your evaluation.
- Your ID is valid (government-issued and not-expired) and contains your full name and photo.
- You observed all evaluation rules that were displayed within the evaluation instructions prior to your session.
Be sure to heed all evaluation rules in order to pass the CodeSignal verification check!
Note: The timer for your assessment does not begin until you complete all the setup steps.
Step 3 will prompt you to close all unrelated tabs, browser windows, and applications.
When you make it to Step 6: Face, you will be prompted to take a picture of your face.
For the next Step 7: Take Photo ID, you will be prompted to take a picture of your official ID. If you are unable to take a clear photo, feel free to use our Upload feature, in order to share a clear photo of your ID.
After you complete your proctoring set up, click on the Done button.
What are the rules for proctored assessments?
You will need to comply with all assessment rules, which will be displayed prior to beginning your assessment:
Once you complete the assessment, CodeSignal will review the recording to ensure that all assessment rules are followed and if so, we will verify your results and share them with the company who requested them.
Proctoring has no impact on the score you receive; all scores are calculated automatically by the CodeSignal system.
How is my identification and proctoring data used, and how long is it stored?
CodeSignal does not use identification and proctoring data for any purpose other than to ensure you have completed the evaluation fairly. Identification and proctoring data is reviewed by CodeSignal only and is stored and deleted within 14 days. It will not be shared with the company who requested your coding report. The company who requested your coding report will simply receive a copy of your assessment result and score.
What is CodeSignal's Privacy Policy?
CodeSignal does not sell or otherwise disclose Personal Information we collect or process in our proctoring services. You can read CodeSignal's full privacy policy here.
Can I opt in to proctoring if it is not required?
Yes. If the company who requested your results does not require proctoring for the assessment, you can still opt in to proctoring before proceeding with the assessment. This increases the likelihood that your assessment result will be accepted by other companies using CodeSignal.