CodeSignal Learn for Organizations gives you access to many different courses, each designed to help your organization gain and hone specific technical skills. These individual courses are collected into broader learning paths. By collecting courses into paths, we can provide a clearer understanding of where your organization members are in their learning journeys, and how you can help your organization members grow their skills more effectively.
Note: if an organization member has path progress from a personal CodeSignal Learn account, that progress will sync to their CodeSignal Learn for Organizations account.
Learning content in CodeSignal Learn for Organizations is grouped most broadly at the job category level. Job categories include roles like "Data Scientist," "Front-End Engineer," and "Full-Stack Engineer." Within each job category, there are multiple paths, each intended to cultivate high-level skills. For example, the Data Scientist job category could contain a course called "Mastering Algorithms and Data Structures."
Within each path, there are individual courses. Courses are designed to add discrete tools to a learner's toolbox, like "Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues in Python" or "Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning." Finally, each course is made of several lessons, which provide hands-on, bite-sized learning.
Viewing paths in CodeSignal for Organizations Analytics
You can view your organization member’s in-progress and completed paths in CodeSignal Learn for Organizations Analytics. Click on the three-line menu in the top left corner of your CodeSignal Learn for Organizations dashboard, then select Analytics.
Note: CodeSignal Analytics is available to Organization Admins only.
In Analytics, select the Paths tab.
In the Paths view, you'll see skills attached to each path. This makes it easy to see at a glance not only which learning paths your organization members are involved in, but which skills they're practicing.
To learn more about using CodeSignal Learn for Organizations Analytics to measure your organization members' progress and align on goals, check out our overview here.
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