This article will outline how to make minor adjustments to your tests.
Note: if you wish to remove or add new tasks to a test, we recommend duplicating the test so as to not impact any existing test results. Learn how in this article: Duplicating a test.
1. Click on the triple dots menu, next to the test, then click on Edit.
2. On the Update Test page, you can update your test title as well as the duration (the amount of time candidates have to finish the test once they've started).
3. To edit a task slot, click the edit (pencil) icon.
4. Here, you can select additional tasks for your task slot (if you'd like to randomize your tasks so that different candidates see a different task for Task #1, etc.). Once you have selected your desired task(s), click the next arrow.
5. To configure your task slot, select the language(s) in which you will allow candidates to write solutions. You may also assign a specific score for the task. Click DONE when you are finished.
6. Be sure to click UPDATE to save all changes.
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