To view your candidate's assessment status, follow these steps:
1. From your PRE-SCREEN tab click on PRE-SCREENS and choose the assessment in question.
2. Navigate to the PENDING tab to see all pending invitations, as well as their current status. To locate your candidate's invitation, use the search bar.
3. Click the status icon (5 dots) to view more details about the current status of your candidate's assessment.
- Once your candidate has started the test, the status changes to In Progress.
- The next stage is Test Submitted. You will see this status when the candidate has completed the test but the results are not yet shared with you.
- Once CodeSignal is able to verify the candidate's results, the results will automatically be shared with you and you will be able to find them under the RESULTS tab.
If we are unable to verify the candidate's results, their result will be under the PENDING tab until the date that their invitation is set to expire (default is 14 days). Then their result will be moved to the EXPIRED tab.
By hovering over a candidate's "Not verified" status, you will see the reason for the rejection.
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