If you are preparing to complete an evaluation for a company, finding your pending requests and viewing your activity has never been easier!
Navigate to PRE-SCREENS
To open the Pre-Screens hub, simply click on PRE-SCREENS in the navigation bar after logging in to CodeSignal. The Pre-Screens hub is where you can find any pre-screen assessments you have been invited to take, along with the results of any pre-screens you have completed. Everything is integrated here for easy access.
What can I do in the Pre-Screens hub?
The first thing you will see when you open the Pre-Screens hub is a section listing any pre-screen assessment invitations you currently have that are waiting for a response. You will also see your highest Coding Score based on your best verified result (if you have one). Let's take a look to see what that looks like in various scenarios.
No Currently Active Pre-Screen Invitations
If you do not have any currently active pre-screen assessment invitations you will see the following:
Since there are no active pre-screen assessment invitations, there will be nothing to see here. However, you can take a practice test to familiarize yourself with the CodeSignal IDE and testing format. We encourage everyone to try the practice test before taking an actual pre-screen assessment on CodeSignal to make sure that you understand how our platform works before you take the real evaluation.
One or Multiple Active Pre-Screen Invitations
However, if you do have an active pre-screen assessment invitation, you will see that invitation in this section:
Here you can see information such as whether the test is proctored, when your invitation expires, and when your next attempt will be available if any cooldowns are active. Let's take a closer look at the choices you can make for each invitation.
Take Now
This button will take you directly to your pre-screen assessment. Once you complete the assessment, your score will be shared with the requesting company automatically once the score is verified. However, note that if you are currently under a cooldown period for the given pre-screen assessment, you will only be able to either Share or Decline the request.
Use this button if you wish to share an existing verified result for the requested pre-screen assessment instead of taking it again.
When sharing a result, you will be prompted to select which result you want to share. Make your selection, and then click [SHARE] to proceed.
Use this button to decline the request. Please note that declining the request will result in the removal of this invitation from your Pre-Screens and you will not be able to take the pre-screen assessment or share an existing result. This action cannot be undone, so be careful!
Viewing Past Results
The Pre-Screens hub is also where you can view past results for pre-screen assessments you have previously taken.
- The RESULTS tab shows all previously completed pre-screen assessment results, along with information such as whether the assessment was proctored, when it was completed, your score, and when you will be able to make your next attempt for that particular assessment.
- The PENDING tab shows results that are currently waiting to be verified.
- The DECLINED tab shows a list of all pre-screen assessment invitations you have declined.
Questions? Contact support@codesignal.com for assistance.